ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi2025-03-01T14:41:02+03:00Dr. Fatmagül Saklavcıfsaklavci@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div id="WRchTxt1" class="_1Q9if" data-testid="richTextElement"> <h2 class="font_2"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ULUSAL VE ULUSLARARASI SOSYOLOJİ EKONOMİ DERGİSİ</span></span></span></span></h2> </div> <div id="WRchTxt3" class="_1Q9if" data-testid="richTextElement"> <p class="font_8"><span class="color_14">Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi 2018 yılında kuruldu, yılda bir kez yayınlandı, Ulusal ve Uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. Dergi Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Çocukları Disiplinlerarası ve karşılaştırmalı incelemeler, Eleştirel Çalışma ve Alternatif Yaklaşımları Önermektedir.</span></p> <p class="font_8"><span class="color_14">Dergimiz, hem teorik tartışmayı de uygulamaya yönelik, incelemeleri incelemeyi ve değerlendirmeleri açıdan entellektüel bir platform oluşturmayı hedefliyor. </span></p> <p class="font_8"> </p> <p class="font_8"><em>Yayın Dönemleri:</em> Ocak, Mart, Mayıs, Temmuz, Eylül, Kasım<br /><em>Değerlendirme Süreci:</em> Çift kör hakem</p> </div> of Teachers’ Intrinsic Motivation in Terms of Various Variables2025-01-30T20:07:41+03:00Alper KOCAMANAlper_Kocaman_@Hotmail.ComAlperen YILMAZAlperenyilmaz1963@Gmail.ComAhu KOCAMAN Ahu_Celikci_54@Hotmail.ComMehmet AKINMehmet32akin@Hotmail.Com<p>The aim of this study was to examine teachers' intrinsic motivation in relation to demographic variables such as age, education level, years of service, and marital status. The findings revealed that teachers' motivation levels showed significant differences based on certain demographic factors. The ANOVA test by age group indicated that teachers aged 51 and above had higher motivation levels compared to other age groups. No significant difference was found between the motivation levels of teachers with a bachelor's degree and those with a master's degree. The analysis of marital status showed that single teachers had significantly higher motivation levels than married teachers. The ANOVA test by years of service revealed that teachers' motivation levels increased with experience, indicating that years of service had a significant impact on motivation. In conclusion, the study found that teachers' intrinsic motivation varied with factors such as years of service, age, and marital status, but education level did not significantly influence motivation. These findings emphasize the importance of developing educational policies and practices aimed at enhancing teachers' motivation.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi of the Folk Tale Named Danişment Gazi at B1 Level2025-02-11T13:48:25+03:00Emine OKUMUŞ<p>This research aimed to adapt the folk story Danışment Gazi, one of the important works of Turkish folk literature, to the B1 language level and to develop activities for teaching the Turkish language in line with this adaptation. The main goal of the research was to make the Danışment Gazi story suitable for students with low language levels by preserving its original structure and to design activities for language teaching in this process. In this context, an approach based on the design and development model was adopted and qualitative research methods such as content analysis were used. The process of simplifying the story was carried out by simplifying complex structures and cultural expressions without increasing the language level. In this way, students at the B1 level were able to understand the text more easily, and the main messages, character traits and plot of the story were preserved. In addition, the universal themes integrated into the text aimed to make students aware of Turkish culture. Following the simplified text, activities were designed to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. These activities aimed to reinforce students' linguistic skills and ensure that they understand the story. The activities were diversified for different language skills and prepared in a way that was suitable for each skill. The research results show that the text adaptation process and the created activities are quite useful in terms of Turkish language teaching. In addition, it was emphasized that folk tales can be used as an effective source in language learning and that it is important to integrate cultural elements into language teaching. It was concluded that future studies should make Turkish language teaching more effective and comprehensive by conducting more comprehensive research on text adaptations and activity designs.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Relationship Between Professional Burnout Levels and Job Satisfaction of Mathematics Teachers2025-02-14T16:21:18+03:00Oğuz MUTLUfsaklavci@gmail.comMerve ASLANfsaklavci@gmail.comFatma Nur ŞAHİNERfsaklavci@gmail.comErol<p>This study aimed to examine the relationship between mathematics teachers' levels of occupational burnout and job satisfaction. The research was conducted using the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of mathematics teachers working in Edirne province and its districts during the 2024-2025 academic year. Two different scales were used to measure the occupational burnout levels and job satisfaction of mathematics teachers. The research data were collected online via Google Forms between October and December 2024. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Initially, frequency and percentage analyses were performed to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants and the score distributions obtained from the scales. The findings of the study revealed that gender did not have a significant effect on occupational burnout; however, male teachers' job satisfaction levels were higher than those of female teachers. Significant differences in burnout levels were observed among age groups, with the 31-40 age group showing higher burnout levels compared to other groups, although age did not have a significant impact on job satisfaction. In terms of educational background, no differences were found in burnout and satisfaction levels between bachelor's and postgraduate degree holders, suggesting that other factors independent of education might be more influential. Burnout levels differed significantly by professional tenure, with teachers having 15-20 years of experience reporting higher burnout levels than other groups. However, no significant differences in job satisfaction levels were observed based on professional tenure. Lastly, a positive and moderate relationship was found between burnout and job satisfaction. This result, contrary to the commonly expected negative correlation in the literature, suggests that burnout and satisfaction may increase simultaneously, possibly due to the perception of burnout as a form of task-oriented stress or a sense of responsibility.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Primary School A2 Level Speaking Activities2025-01-30T20:34:57+03:00Hülya Maral TEKİNLİ<p>This study aimed to design activities based on language structures such as cause-effect relationships, justification, and cultural expressions in order to improve the speaking skills of students at the A2 level in primary school. Activities enriched with contextual examples from daily life and visual supports made students' language learning fun and meaningful. In the study, a learning environment was created in accordance with the principles of communicative language teaching by using dialogues based on situations that students may encounter in real life. In addition, expressions specific to Turkish culture and body language elements were included in the activities to develop social and cultural awareness. The results of the study revealed that context-based and visually supported activities were effective in improving students' speaking skills and pointed out the importance of these methods in language teaching.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Müdürlerinin Öğretimsel Liderlik Rollerinin Öğretmenlerin Eğitim Motivasyonuna Yansımasına İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri2025-02-14T20:19:45+03:00Dilek SAVAŞ<p>The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of the instructional leadership roles of school administrators on teacher motivation and professional development. In the research, the interview technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was preferred. This method provided an in-depth understanding of the participants' experiences and thoughts. While preparing the interview form, relevant studies in the literature were examined and open-ended questions were determined. The sample of the research consists of 20 teachers working in schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in Tekirdağ province. The participants were carefully selected to carry out the study in a specific context. During the interview process, a suitable environment was provided for the participants to respond freely to the questions, which increased the depth of the data. The obtained data were examined using the descriptive analysis method. Descriptive analysis includes organizing the data according to a certain framework, interpreting it, and classifying it under themes. The analysis of the data was carried out in four stages: creating the analysis framework, processing the data in accordance with the framework, defining and interpreting the findings. In addition, frequency (f) and percentage (%) calculations were made during the analysis process. The participants' answers were coded as Ö1, Ö2, Ö3... Ö20 and presented, and codes and themes were created based on these answers. The research findings show that the instructional leadership skills of school administrators play an important role in increasing teachers' motivation and supporting their professional development. However, factors such as administrative workload, financial inadequacies, and communication problems that prevent administrators from demonstrating their instructional leadership roles were identified. In line with the findings obtained, it is recommended that instructional leadership trainings be increased, the workload of administrators be lightened, and professional development programs for teachers be expanded. This research emphasizes the importance of the instructional leadership roles of school administrators in educational processes and reveals that strategies should be developed to increase teachers' professional satisfaction.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi DergisiÖğretmenlerde Örgütsel Adalet Algısının Demografik Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi2025-02-17T20:58:44+03:00Erkan AYDOĞDU<p>Bu araştırma, öğretmenlerin örgütsel adalet algılarının demografik değişkenlere göre nasıl farklılık gösterdiğini incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma, betimsel nitelikte bir çalışma olarak tasarlanmış ve nicel araştırma yöntemine dayalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Veri toplama sürecinde Taştan ve Yılmaz (2008) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlanmış Örgütsel Adalet Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Türkiye Uzaktan Eğitim Programı (TURTEP) kapsamında yüksek lisans yapan 168 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcıların cinsiyeti, yaşı, mesleki kıdemi ve branşı gibi demografik özellikleri dikkate alınarak tesadüfü örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen bu grup, öğretmenlerin örgütsel adalet algısına ilişkin genel eğilimlerin incelenmesi için uygun bir örneklem olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Veriler, Google Forms aracılığıyla toplanmış ve analiz sürecine eksiksiz ve hatasız doldurulan anketler dahil edilmiştir. Verilerin analizi için tanımlayıcı istatistikler, bağımsız örneklem t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) gibi istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, cinsiyet ve medeni durum değişkenlerinin örgütsel adalet algısı üzerinde anlamlı farklılıklar yarattığı, ancak yaş, mesleki kıdem ve eğitim durumu gibi değişkenlerin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık oluşturmadığı belirlenmiştir. Bu bulgular, örgütsel adaletin bazı demografik özelliklere göre farklılık gösterebileceğini, bu nedenle eğitim kurumlarında adaletin sağlanması için bireylerin farklılaşan ihtiyaç ve beklentilerinin dikkate alınması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Araştırmanın sonuçları doğrultusunda, eğitim yöneticilerinin, öğretmenlerin adalet algısını güçlendirmek adına daha şeffaf ve katılımcı bir yönetim anlayışı benimsemesi önerilmektedir. Örgütsel adalet algısının artırılması için cinsiyet ve medeni durum gibi özelliklerin göz önünde bulundurularak bireylerin özel ihtiyaçlarına yanıt veren stratejiler geliştirilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Problems and Solution Suggestıons in Teaching Turkish To Foreigners2025-02-24T21:21:02+03:00Yasemin EŞMELİOĞ<p>This study examines the pronunciation teaching process in teaching Turkish as a foreign language, addressing challenges, solutions, and the roles of teachers. Pronunciation problems stem from learners' native language habits, the phonetic characteristics of Turkish, and inadequacies in teaching materials. The study identifies that existing materials fall short in integrating cultural context, suprasegmental features, and technology. Among teaching techniques, interaction-based methods, technology-supported tools, and cultural content are found to be effective. Teachers' roles, such as providing individualized feedback, enhancing motivation, and modeling accurate pronunciation, are critical for improving learners’ pronunciation skills. These findings highlight the need for enriched teaching materials, increased technology integration, and enhanced teacher training for effective pronunciation education. Additionally, implementing individualized teaching methods can help address learners’ pronunciation challenges. The study underscores the necessity of adopting a holistic approach to pronunciation education to promote the effective teaching of Turkish internationally.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisiınıng The Relationship Between Preschool Teachers' Organizational Happiness Levels And Leadership Orientations2025-02-25T11:15:33+03:00Cemile BİNGÖLBALİ<p>This study aims to examine the relationship between the organizational happiness levels and leadership orientations of preschool teachers. The research was conducted with 126 preschool teachers studying at TÜRTEP during the 2024-2025 academic year. Data were collected through an online survey, using appropriate scales to measure the teachers' organizational happiness and leadership orientations. The effects of demographic factors such as age, education level, professional experience, and gender on the teachers' organizational happiness and leadership orientations were also analyzed. The findings indicate that factors such as age, education level, and professional experience have a significant impact on organizational happiness, while no significant relationship was found between leadership orientations and organizational happiness. These findings suggest that organizational happiness levels of teachers are influenced by various factors, but leadership orientations do not have a decisive effect on these levels. The study emphasizes the need for developing strategies that not only consider leadership styles but also address teachers' professional development and support needs, which would contribute to enhancing teachers' happiness.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Study On The Effect of Socio-Economic Factors on Student Motivation and Academic Success2025-01-30T21:23:35+03:00Ümit TAHANCALIUMİT_TAHANCALİ_1@HOTMAİL.COMMeltem TAHANCALI UMİTMELTEM.MT@GMAİL.COM<p>This study aims to examine the effects of socio-economic factors on student motivation and academic success in the light of master's theses and academic articles published in the last 10 years. As a result of the literature review and analysis, it has been concluded that socio-economic factors play an important role in students' academic success. Family support, school resources and the student's socio-economic status are among the main factors determining academic success. In addition, students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations also have a strong effect on their academic success. The majority of the studies emphasize that socio-economic inequalities limit students' educational opportunities and that equal opportunities should be provided in education. Most of the methods used in the study are quantitative, and the effects of socio-economic factors on students were measured with statistical analyses. In addition, the effects of socio-economic factors were examined in more depth with qualitative studies. These findings provide an important basis for the development of strategies to eliminate inequalities in education and increase student success.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Study on Factors Affecting Students' Higher Education Preferences2025-01-30T23:47:13+03:00Ayşenur<p>This study examined 20 theses and articles published between 2013 and 2023 to analyze the factors affecting students' higher education preferences. The research findings show that preference processes are affected by individual, social, economic, institutional and political factors. While quantitative methods were the most frequently used research model, the survey design was widely preferred. The majority of studies focused on university and high school students, but it was observed that studies on education administrators, academics and parents were limited. The research results revealed that individual interests and abilities, family support, social environment, economic conditions, institutional image of universities and educational policies directly affect students' preferences. It was determined that modern dynamics such as digitalization and internationalization are also increasingly effective in preference processes. This study presents findings consistent with the literature on higher education preferences and enriches the academic knowledge in this field. It is recommended that universities develop more effective strategies for student needs by taking individual and social factors into account. Future studies are expected to provide more comprehensive analyses by focusing on issues such as digitalization and regional differences.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisiıon Of Graduate Thesis Studies On Leadership Styles Of School Administrators2025-01-31T00:00:11+03:00Ferdi ULAŞ<p>The purpose of this study is to systematically examine postgraduate thesis studies conducted on the leadership styles of school administrators. Addressing the topic "An Examination of Postgraduate Thesis Studies on the Leadership Styles of School Administrators," this study adopts the content analysis method, one of the qualitative research approaches. The population of the research consists of academic studies related to leadership styles available in the Higher Education Council (YÖK) Thesis Center. During the data collection process, literature reviews were conducted in the YÖK Thesis Center and various university libraries for master’s and doctoral theses. Thesis studies were coded within specific categories, and their frequencies and percentages were calculated. Based on the obtained data, tables and charts were created, followed by an interpretation of the findings. According to the findings, it was observed that research studies are concentrated at Istanbul Kültür University and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, while generally being widespread across different regions of Turkey, with certain universities showing higher interest in this area. The year 2023 stood out as the year with the highest number of studies conducted, and quantitative methods (90.91%) and surveys (91.18%) were prominently preferred. Most of the studies were conducted with large sample groups (78.79%); however, the limited use of qualitative methods and small-scale sample groups led to a lack of in-depth analyses. It was concluded that there is a need for diversification in terms of methods, data collection tools, and sample balance in these studies, and considering regional and contextual differences could enrich the knowledge base in this field.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Of The Teaching Technologies Used By Geography Teachers Working In Anatolian High Schools And Their Approaches Towards These Tools2025-01-31T00:08:03+03:00Akın Çağlar ÇAĞLIOĞ<p>The aim of this study is to evaluate the instructional technologies used by geography teachers in Anatolian high schools and their attitudes toward these technologies. As the research aims to reflect the current situation as it is, it is characterized as a qualitative case study of a survey type. The study group consists of geography teachers working in the Fatsa district of Ordu province. Interviews were conducted with 10 geography teachers in the 2023-2024 academic year in Fatsa district. In this research, the interview method was employed to examine the instructional technologies used by geography teachers in Anatolian high schools and their approaches to these tools. Content analysis, a qualitative research method, was used to analyze the research data. The findings revealed that instructional technologies provide significant advantages in geography lessons, such as visualization, fostering critical thinking, promoting collaborative learning, and increasing motivation. Teachers frequently use tools like interactive whiteboards, digital maps, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and online education platforms, but they face challenges such as technical infrastructure deficiencies, time constraints, a lack of digital materials, and limited technology training. To address these issues, it is recommended to improve infrastructure, increase digital content, expand professional development programs for teachers, and strengthen technical support services. Developing policies in these areas by educational institutions can contribute to the more effective use of instructional technologies.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Of Problems Experienced By Preschool Teachers In The Classroom Management Processes2025-01-31T00:16:05+03:00Deniz<p>The aim of this study is to identify the challenges faced by preschool teachers in classroom management processes and to reveal the impact of these challenges on the educational environment and children's development. Since this study aims to determine the challenges encountered by preschool teachers in classroom management processes, it was conducted as a qualitative case study using a survey model. The study group consists of teachers pursuing master's degrees at Turtep. In this study, the interview method was employed to identify the challenges faced by preschool teachers in classroom management processes. For data analysis, content analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. According to the findings, teachers stated that issues such as student discipline problems, lack of attention, parental interventions, technology addiction, and insufficient use of materials disrupt classroom order and negatively affect the teaching process. These problems were found to occur more frequently during group activities, at the beginning and end of lessons, in long-duration classes, and in lessons involving the use of technological tools. The underlying causes of these problems were identified as disrespectful behaviors, lack of interest in lessons, peer bullying, rule violations, and distracting actions by students. Suggested solutions primarily include increasing guidance activities, maintaining regular communication with parents, limiting the use of technology, and clarifying classroom rules. In conclusion, it was determined that solving classroom management problems requires critical collaboration among students, parents, and school administration, and that the effectiveness of technology use and guidance services should be enhanced.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Permanent Learning: A Pedagogical Perspective2025-02-25T22:03:10+03:00Havva EROĞ<p>Ensuring the long-term retention of knowledge is one of the primary goals of education, especially at the primary school level, where strong foundational learning significantly impacts future academic success. This study investigates effective methods for enhancing retention in young students using active learning strategies such as music, drama, storytelling, hands-on activities, and interdisciplinary approaches. By stimulating both the emotional and cognitive abilities of children, these strategies aim to enhance memory retention and conceptual understanding. The findings suggest that integrating experiential learning techniques can significantly improve students’ ability to recall and apply knowledge over long periods of time.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi Of Multi-Layered Texts In Teaching Turkish Grammar As A Foreign Language2025-02-04T12:34:12+03:00Münevver ŞAHİ<p>This study reveals that multilayered texts are an effective tool in teaching Turkish grammar as a foreign language. Based on teacher perspectives, the findings indicate that when these texts are supported by strategies such as contextualization, visuals, staged learning, and student engagement, the teaching process becomes more effective. Grammar structures presented within a context help students internalize the rules more easily and make learning a more natural process. It has been observed that visual aids significantly contribute to learning, particularly by making abstract grammatical rules more concrete. Additionally, staged difficulty levels allow students to progress in a structured manner, while interactive learning activities increase motivation and enhance meaningful understanding of grammatical structures. In conclusion, the effective use of multilayered texts requires teaching materials to be structured according to proficiency levels, the enhancement of visual and contextual support, and the implementation of pedagogical strategies that encourage active student participation. This study suggests that multilayered texts should be explored in a broader educational context and applied to different student groups.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi’ Technological Self-Efficacy2025-02-04T12:45:50+03:00Şermin<p>The aim of this research is to determine teachers' technological self-efficacy levels and examine the effects of these self-efficacy levels on the educational process. A quantitative research method has been adopted in this study. The population of the research consists of teachers pursuing a master's degree at Turtep, and the sample group comprises 102 participants. The research is composed of two stages. In the first stage, a personal information form was created by the researcher to measure the participants' gender, age, educational background, and professional seniority. In the second stage, the Teacher Technology Use Scale developed by Bayraktar (2015) was used to determine the level of teachers' use of educational technologies. The data obtained during the research process were analyzed using the SPSS 22 software for statistical analysis and presented in tables. The findings indicate that gender does not have a significant effect on the level of educational technology use, as both male and female teachers have similar levels of technology use. A significant difference was found among age groups, with younger teachers exhibiting higher levels of technology use, and this level decreased as age increased. Regarding educational background, no significant difference was found among associate degree, bachelor's degree, and master's degree graduates. In general, it was concluded that the age variable is a determining factor in the use of educational technologies, while gender and educational background do not have a significant effect. The research emphasizes the necessity of supportive training programs, particularly for older teachers, and highlights the importance of strategies to increase technology usage based on teachers' demographic characteristics.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi the Relationship between Preschool Teachers' Technology Attitudes and Psychological Resilience Levels2025-02-04T12:53:23+03:00İlyas AKDAĞ<p>The research examined the relationship between preschool teachers' attitudes towards technology use and their levels of psychological resilience in the district of Denizli Çameli. While the population consisted of 130 preschool teachers, a sample of 30 teachers was selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected using the Psychological Resilience and Technology Attitude scales and analyzed using the SPSS 22 program. Findings indicate that teachers' attitudes towards technology use are associated with factors such as gender, age, years of service, and educational level. It was found that female teachers and those who are younger and have higher levels of education exhibit higher attitudes towards technology use. Furthermore, a relationship was identified between teachers' perceptions of psychological resilience and their attitudes towards technology. These findings underscore the importance of technology use and psychological resilience among preschool teachers in education and provide insights for relevant policies and practices. Considering the limitations of the study, further in-depth research on the subject is recommended.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi of the Texts in Yedi Ilim B1 Textbooks According to the Curriculum Achievements in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language2025-02-04T13:04:33+03:00Derya<p>Textbooks used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language are essential resources for developing students' language skills, enhancing their communication abilities, and introducing them to Turkish culture. However, the alignment of these textbooks with the objectives outlined in the Turkish language teaching curriculum is a critical issue regarding the effectiveness of the teaching process. In this context, the Yedi İklim B1 textbook stands out as a widely used and significant material in Turkish language teaching.This study aims to examine the alignment of the texts in the Yedi İklim B1 textbook with the curriculum objectives in terms of fundamental language skills such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening, writing, and speaking. Conducted through qualitative document analysis, the research analyzes the extent to which the texts align with both linguistic and cultural teaching objectives.Findings reveal that the texts in the Yedi İklim B1 textbook contribute to developing language skills while effectively conveying Turkish culture. The texts provide a comprehensive learning environment in terms of grammar and vocabulary, supporting students' linguistic achievements.In conclusion, the Yedi İklim B1 textbook is considered a vital resource in teaching Turkish as a foreign language due to its alignment with curriculum objectives and its contributions to students' language learning processes.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisiıng Idıoms Wıth Storıes In Teachıng Turkısh As A Foreıgn Language2025-02-04T13:16:39+03:00Betül KÖSE<p>This research aims to contribute to the learning of idioms in Turkish language instruction as a foreign language. Designed as an exploratory study to reflect the current situation and understand the views of teachers, the research involved a sample group of 12 teachers from Hopa district in Artvin province. These teachers were reached through the interview method to express their opinions on the instruction of idioms with stories in Turkish language teaching for the academic year 2024-2025. The data were analyzed using the qualitative research technique of "content analysis." According to the findings, teaching idioms with stories is identified as an effective method in enhancing students' language skills. Participants emphasized that this method increased students' vocabulary and highlighted the use of drama and visual materials to encourage interaction. The research results demonstrate that teaching idioms with stories can positively contribute to the language learning process. These findings provide a new perspective on idiom instruction in Turkish language teaching, enriching language education practices.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi to Effective School Management According to the Perceptions of School Administrators and Teachers2025-02-05T12:16:05+03:00Murat TÜRKÜ<p>This research aimed to examine the obstacles and solution suggestions to effective school management, based on the perceptions of school administrators and teachers in Kocaeli/Körfez district. The study was conducted on 140 participants and the data was analyzed using the SPSS program. Normality test results reveal that the data is normally distributed. In addition, the reliability analysis results of the scale used show that the internal consistency of the scale is high (Cronbach's Alpha value: 0.895). According to the research results, statistically significant differences were determined according to demographic factors such as gender, professional seniority, position and educational status. For example, it was observed that male participants scored higher in some sub-dimensions, while female participants were more successful in other sub-dimensions. In this context, solution suggestions can be developed for the obstacles to effective school management based on the perceptions of the participants of the study. For example, customized leadership training can be organized according to gender, professional seniority and educational status. In addition, mentoring programs and experience sharing can be supported to address the problems faced by employees in different positions. As a result, the findings obtained can form an important basis for understanding the differences in perception between school administrators and teachers and developing applicable solution suggestions to improve effective school management.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi the Reasons Why Teachers Do Not Want to Become Administrators2025-02-08T16:59:31+03:00Levent KIRKAŞ<p>The purpose of this study is to identify the main reasons why teachers are reluctant to take on administrative (managerial) roles and to uncover the factors influencing these decisions. As the study aims to reveal the reasons behind teachers' unwillingness to become administrators, it adopts a descriptive survey design in the form of a qualitative case study. The study group consists of teachers working in Istanbul during the 2023-2024 academic year. The interview method was employed to collect data on teachers' perspectives regarding their reluctance to assume administrative roles. For data analysis, content analysis, a qualitative data analysis method, was utilized. The findings indicate that the professional challenges of the administrative role, such as heavy workloads, stress, and increased responsibilities, amplify teachers' hesitations toward this position. Additionally, difficulties in maintaining work-life balance and misalignment with personal career goals further reinforce their reluctance. However, professional opportunities such as the development of leadership skills and career advancement were found to enhance the appeal of administrative roles. Nonetheless, these advantages are overshadowed by factors such as workload, time management challenges, and threats to personal life balance. Based on the study's findings, strategies such as reducing workloads, implementing flexible work models, offering professional development programs to enhance leadership skills, and providing clear and transparent information about the administrative role are recommended to positively influence teachers' attitudes toward administrative positions.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji ve Ekonomi Dergisi