An Assessment on the Effect of Digital Economy on the Growth of Countries
Digital Economy, Economic Growth, Digitalization, ICT.Abstract
Rapid progress in information and communication technologies and innovations in internet infrastructure have made the internet cheaper. The cheapening of the internet has enabled many segments to access the internet, making it easier to transfer products and services to digital. Especially during the recent Covid-19 global pandemic, the transition of national economies to digital economy has contributed to the development of their economic growth. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the digital economy on the economic growth of countries. For this purpose, studies on Dicle University, Database Access and Statistics System (Vetis) and sites such as Scopus, Taylor and Francis Group, ProQuest Ebook Central, Science Direct were examined. As a result of the study, it is thought that the digital economies of developing countries such as China, India and Indonesia, as well as developed countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, can contribute to their growth.
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