An Investigation of the Strategic Management Practices of Civil Society Organizations: The Case of Turkey
Non-Governmental Organizations, Humanitarian Aid Organizations, Foundations and Associations, Strategic Management, Mision and VisionAbstract
In this study, which examines the strategic management practices of Non-Governmental Organizations, the focus is on vision, mission, and principles. In the research, the data of 2023 were taken as the basis. The data obtained from the foundation certificates, establishment documents, private laws, and official websites of the organizations that make up the sample were analyzed by a content analysis method. Analyses show that there are important gaps in strategic management apart from vision and mission statements. The findings obtained in this study; It can be a guide in the context of strategic management for non-governmental organizations that are trying to answer questions from different quarters and want to eliminate doubts, need a more transparent and accountable structure, and are also going through a rapid change and transformation process. However, non-governmental organizations that have not yet adopted the strategic management approach and have not put it on their agenda are also expected to benefit from the results of the research.
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