Investigation Of The Relationship Between Cognıtive Functions and Self-Regulation Skills In Early Childhood




Self-Regulation, Cognitive Function, Early Childhood


This research aims to examine the relationship between the cognitive functions and self-regulation skills of 48-66 month old children in early childhood. This quantitative research, conducted with 95 parents randomly selected from six pre-school education institutions in the city center of Edirne, focuses on demographic factors such as gender, age, years of service and educational status. Findings show that gender, age, years of service and educational status have an impact on children's cognitive functions and self-regulation skills. In terms of cognitive functions, children with female parents have been shown to achieve higher scores than children with male parents. In terms of age, it has been found that children with parents between the ages of 20-30 have higher cognitive function scores than those in other age groups. In terms of years of service, it was determined that children with parents with 0-5 years of service had higher cognitive function scores than other groups. According to education level, it has been observed that children with parents who have a bachelor's degree have higher cognitive function scores than children with parents who have a postgraduate education. In terms of self-regulation skills, it was observed that children with male parents achieved higher scores than children with female parents. Similarly, in terms of age, years of service and education level, it has been determined that children who are generally younger, have a short service period and have parents with a low education level have higher self-regulation skill scores. In conclusion, these findings emphasize that children's cognitive functions and self-regulation skills may vary depending on various demographic factors and that educational programs should be designed taking these factors into consideration.


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How to Cite

KARAÇIRAK , N. . (2024). Investigation Of The Relationship Between Cognıtive Functions and Self-Regulation Skills In Early Childhood. Ulusal Ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 5(6), 1060–1072.