Evaluation Of Cıvıl Air Transport Advertisements In The Context Of Globalization
Globalization, Advertising, Civil Airline Transportation, Communication, Transportation, Mass Media, İnternetAbstract
Globalization is a multidimensional process. Every development triggers globalization, either positively or negatively. Distances no longer matter much in the world. One of the important dimensions that ensures this is communication, and another is transportation. The source of many scientific and technological innovations; Thanks to the rapid developments in these two dimensions, data can now be transferred very quickly to all over the world. When the concepts of communication and transportation are explained, this time the importance and effects of advertising and civil airline transportation are felt intensely. The main subject of this study is to examine, in the same context, civil air transportation, which is the fastest method of transportation, one of the most important dimensions of globalization, and advertisements, which provide the message and promotion most effectively to the masses, which is the other most important dimension of communication. In this study, the messages that three airlines with different characteristics want to convey through their advertisements were examined in the context of globalization.
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