Turgut Özal Perıod In Terms Of Religion-Polıtıcs Relations (1983-1993)
Modernization of the Republic of Türkiye, Turgut Özal, Religion-Politics Relationship, SecularismAbstract
It is seen that correctly understanding the change and transformation during the Özal period contributes to our understanding of the political changes in Türkiye in the 2000s. It can be said that the policies Özal tried to implement in both the economic and political fields prepared the ground for the democratic changes in today's Türkiye.
Turgut Özal was a different politician, a profile determined to follow an intelligent and cunning path. He had both experience abroad and held important positions in the Türkiye bureaucracy. He provided unifying support in domestic politics. He knew the problems of Türkiye politics very well. He was an Anatolian politician who managed to take important steps to balance politics with the religious feelings, thoughts and religious life that the society was sensitive to with his leadership and charismatic characteristics. He made radical changes that can be considered a complete turning point in the harmony between religion and politics with the actions he carried out in Turkish society.
He also made the religious field more liberal within the framework of neo-liberal economic policies and tried to ensure the unity of society and state. The methods and procedures followed by Özal show that he is aware that the peace of the nation with its state can only be determined through practices in the field of religion and politics.
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