The Transition Process From The Ottoman Empire To The Republic Of Türkiye In Terms Of Religion-Politics Relations (1808 – 1983)
Ottoman Modernization, Republic of Türkiye, Religion-State Relations, SecularismAbstract
Modernism is a super-ideology that emerged in medieval Europe and has been nourished by the ideologies produced until today as the dominant worldview and lifestyle in the last four centuries. Non-Christian societies and Islamic societies have also imported Modernism.
Ottoman modernization emerges as a phenomenon that affects all social, political, military, educational and economic change processes with both internal and external factors. Modernization efforts that started in the 18th century and continued until the beginning of the 20th century and afterwards include innovations and change processes that include changes in state institutions, individuals and the administrative system and that take their source from Western modernity.
It is seen that the Republic of Turkiye and its society, which is a legacy of the Ottoman Empire, have also had their share of modern world revolutions. A single-party period was experienced from the first years of the Republic to 1946. Modernization efforts during the single-party period can be considered as a period in which more radical and fundamental revolutions were made. With the multi-party life that we entered the implementation phase with the 1950s, democracy discussions; It can be said that just as the modernization process up until this time has caused a change in their character, an expansion has also been achieved in terms of bringing the 'religion', which had been excluded from politics up until this time, to the centre of politics.
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