Examining the Relationship between Preschool Teachers' Technology Attitudes and Psychological Resilience Levels
Preschool Teachers, Technology Attitude, Psychological ResilienceAbstract
The research examined the relationship between preschool teachers' attitudes towards technology use and their levels of psychological resilience in the district of Denizli Çameli. While the population consisted of 130 preschool teachers, a sample of 30 teachers was selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected using the Psychological Resilience and Technology Attitude scales and analyzed using the SPSS 22 program. Findings indicate that teachers' attitudes towards technology use are associated with factors such as gender, age, years of service, and educational level. It was found that female teachers and those who are younger and have higher levels of education exhibit higher attitudes towards technology use. Furthermore, a relationship was identified between teachers' perceptions of psychological resilience and their attitudes towards technology. These findings underscore the importance of technology use and psychological resilience among preschool teachers in education and provide insights for relevant policies and practices. Considering the limitations of the study, further in-depth research on the subject is recommended.
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