The Importance of Timely Purchase In The Supply Chain: A Situation Analysis In The Accommodation Industry
Accommodation, Supply Chain, Purchasing, Organization, CoordinationAbstract
Purpose: This study explores the importance of timely purchasing operations in tourism supply chains. Recently, the importance of supply chain processes in the tourism sector, including hotels in the hospitality industry, has begun to be understood. The fact that hotel businesses operating in the accommodation industry, where there is intense competition, want to continuously improve their current functioning and organization, while doing this, wanting to provide the maximum benefit with the least cost stems from the belief that it can take them one step ahead of the competition. In the study, it will be investigated what factors affect the timely purchasing operations in the supply chains of the hotel business.
Method: A qualitative research method was used in the study. In a hotel in the accommodation sector, the supply chain process and concept were examined, and the definition and induction methods were used. The business processes of the hotel in question were analyzed by analysis and synthesis methods. For this, a Case Study was conducted in a five-star hotel operating in Sakarya, which was selected through deliberate and purposeful sampling.
Findings: As a result of the Case Study, it has been determined that the researched hotel applies the principles of supply chain in tourism, albeit partially, in the purchasing processes. It has been determined that the timely execution of the supply chain applications of the hotel business cannot be solely the responsibility of the warehouse and inventory management units, and that all hotel departments can do this with a common understanding and coordination.
Conclusion: The existence of tourism supply chain elements applied in hotel businesses and their just-in-time implementation are thought to be partially related to the size of the hotel business. This method can be applied more successfully in independent hotels. Because, in the group of large and more than one hotel chain hotels, the timely execution of complex business relations and variable demands in hotels located in different regions, especially in hotels with central purchasing units, presents unique challenges. It is concluded that just-in-time purchasing practices in supply chains may be more appropriate for smaller and regional concept hotels through decentralized purchasing units.
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