The Role of the Teacher in Education
Education, Training, Teacher, LeaderAbstract
In the article, it is primarily stated that education and training consists of three pillars and that these three main elements affect student success positively and negatively, so the effects on student success are the main purpose of the article. It was mentioned that a good teacher is also responsible for this three-legged table, or rather, he must keep their effects under control. It was evaluated that the teacher should provide good guidance in the classroom environment where the student is active and that the student should be provided with good guidance not only in the classroom and school environment but also outside the school. It was mentioned that the teacher should not only give information to the students, but also explain the positive aspects of the education systems in the world to the students and guide them to reach a better system by blending the good features they find in that system with our own education system. It was stated that the teacher is a good architect and at the same time a good artist, and just as an architect and an artist give an aesthetic feature to a house, the teacher also gives an aesthetic structure to the student's personality. It is stated that there are different types of teachers depending on their teaching style and personality, and the best of them is the democratic type of teacher. It has been stated that in order for a good teacher to be useful and to make himself accepted by the students, he should not influence the students with his own thoughts. Finally, it was stated that the interest and interest in teaching has decreased in recent years and that most of those who have just taken the exam do not prefer teaching and those who are already on duty want to transfer to other institutions by transferring between institutions. In short, many teachers who chose teaching stated that they chose teaching as a stepping stone to transfer to other institutions.
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