Virtual Reality in Religious Education: The Role of Metaverse
Metaverse, Extended Reality, Digital Reality, Education, Religious EducationAbstract
The rapid advancement of technology in our age causes radical changes in almost every aspect of social life. One of the most striking examples of these changes is the Metaverse, which emerged with the integration of the physical and digital worlds. Metaverse can be defined as a new platform that allows users to interact in an interactive digital universe with the combination of virtual and augmented reality technologies. Offering revolutionary innovations in many areas from education to health, business to entertainment, the Metaverse has great potential, especially in the field of education.
In the context of education, the Metaverse stands out with its capacity to transform traditional teaching methods. In the case of religious education, this transformation becomes even more evident. The virtual environments offered by the Metaverse allow for a deeper understanding and experience of religious rituals and historical events. Students can make virtual pilgrimages, explore the lives of religious figures and important religious events through three-dimensional reenactments. In this way, they can have more meaningful and lasting learning opportunities by supporting their theoretical knowledge with practical experiences. However, the use of the Metaverse in religious education should be handled with care. There is a risk of misunderstanding or misrepresenting the sensitive religious issues of this technology. Therefore, Metaverse-based religious education programs require careful planning and meticulous preparation.
The purpose of this study is to comprehensively evaluate the potential impacts and applications of Metaverse on religious education. It explores how Metaverse can revolutionize religious education, innovate educational processes, and deepen students' religious knowledge and understanding. The ethical and practical challenges of this new technology are also analyzed in detail. The concept of metaverse and its uses are discussed in detail and how it can be used especially in the context of education and religious education. Drawing on national and international literature, a broad perspective on the potential and applicability of the Metaverse in religious education is presented.
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