Symptoms And Treatment of Anxiety Disorder: A Case Report




Mathanxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Psychoeducation, Psychotherapy


In this case report, according to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, short short programs in the style of CBT, psychoeducation, occasional breathing exercises were performed with a female client who showed symptoms of anxiety and the client was made to feel Decently. The client has stated that many triggering symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia, fear, anxiety, anxiety and negative thoughts that have been constantly increasing for the last 6-7 months, which have been increasing recently, have deeply affected his social life, relationships with people, family relationships. Although he is aware of the effects and consequences of his basic complaints, he felt himself in a predicament, could not find a solution to the problems he was in, and on the contrary, he himself got lost in those problems. As a result of this, he stated that he could no longer get out of these bad processes that he was experiencing, he was very tired mentally and physically and applied for treatment. General clear and detailed information about the situations in which he was involved has been provided. In these bad processes, stress coping skills, breathing exercises and short short assignments were given to ensure that he made positive progress in this direction. It has been seen that the client also became conscious during this process and that recovery was achieved more and in a shorter time than expected. Thus, the positive effects of CBT psychotherapy, psychoeducation, breathing exercises in the treatment of anxiety catarrh are visible to the eye.


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How to Cite

CEYHAN, A. G. ., & KARAAZİZ, M. . (2024). Symptoms And Treatment of Anxiety Disorder: A Case Report. Ulusal Ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 5(4), 754–763.

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