Evaluation Of The Teaching Technologies Used By Geography Teachers Working In Anatolian High Schools And Their Approaches Towards These Tools
Geography, Anatolian High Schools, Educational TechnologiesAbstract
The aim of this study is to evaluate the instructional technologies used by geography teachers in Anatolian high schools and their attitudes toward these technologies. As the research aims to reflect the current situation as it is, it is characterized as a qualitative case study of a survey type. The study group consists of geography teachers working in the Fatsa district of Ordu province. Interviews were conducted with 10 geography teachers in the 2023-2024 academic year in Fatsa district. In this research, the interview method was employed to examine the instructional technologies used by geography teachers in Anatolian high schools and their approaches to these tools. Content analysis, a qualitative research method, was used to analyze the research data. The findings revealed that instructional technologies provide significant advantages in geography lessons, such as visualization, fostering critical thinking, promoting collaborative learning, and increasing motivation. Teachers frequently use tools like interactive whiteboards, digital maps, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and online education platforms, but they face challenges such as technical infrastructure deficiencies, time constraints, a lack of digital materials, and limited technology training. To address these issues, it is recommended to improve infrastructure, increase digital content, expand professional development programs for teachers, and strengthen technical support services. Developing policies in these areas by educational institutions can contribute to the more effective use of instructional technologies.
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