Teachers’ Technological Self-Efficacy
Teachers, Technology, Self-EfficacyAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine teachers' technological self-efficacy levels and examine the effects of these self-efficacy levels on the educational process. A quantitative research method has been adopted in this study. The population of the research consists of teachers pursuing a master's degree at Turtep, and the sample group comprises 102 participants. The research is composed of two stages. In the first stage, a personal information form was created by the researcher to measure the participants' gender, age, educational background, and professional seniority. In the second stage, the Teacher Technology Use Scale developed by Bayraktar (2015) was used to determine the level of teachers' use of educational technologies. The data obtained during the research process were analyzed using the SPSS 22 software for statistical analysis and presented in tables. The findings indicate that gender does not have a significant effect on the level of educational technology use, as both male and female teachers have similar levels of technology use. A significant difference was found among age groups, with younger teachers exhibiting higher levels of technology use, and this level decreased as age increased. Regarding educational background, no significant difference was found among associate degree, bachelor's degree, and master's degree graduates. In general, it was concluded that the age variable is a determining factor in the use of educational technologies, while gender and educational background do not have a significant effect. The research emphasizes the necessity of supportive training programs, particularly for older teachers, and highlights the importance of strategies to increase technology usage based on teachers' demographic characteristics.
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