Examining the Reasons Why Teachers Do Not Want to Become Administrators
Teacher, School Management, AdministrationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to identify the main reasons why teachers are reluctant to take on administrative (managerial) roles and to uncover the factors influencing these decisions. As the study aims to reveal the reasons behind teachers' unwillingness to become administrators, it adopts a descriptive survey design in the form of a qualitative case study. The study group consists of teachers working in Istanbul during the 2023-2024 academic year. The interview method was employed to collect data on teachers' perspectives regarding their reluctance to assume administrative roles. For data analysis, content analysis, a qualitative data analysis method, was utilized. The findings indicate that the professional challenges of the administrative role, such as heavy workloads, stress, and increased responsibilities, amplify teachers' hesitations toward this position. Additionally, difficulties in maintaining work-life balance and misalignment with personal career goals further reinforce their reluctance. However, professional opportunities such as the development of leadership skills and career advancement were found to enhance the appeal of administrative roles. Nonetheless, these advantages are overshadowed by factors such as workload, time management challenges, and threats to personal life balance. Based on the study's findings, strategies such as reducing workloads, implementing flexible work models, offering professional development programs to enhance leadership skills, and providing clear and transparent information about the administrative role are recommended to positively influence teachers' attitudes toward administrative positions.
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