Schema Therapy in Indiviuals with Depression Systematic Review on its Use
Depression, Schema, Schema Therapy, Systematic ReviewAbstract
The purpose of systematic review study is to examine how Schema therapy in individuals with depression. In this combination, the systematic combination method was used and no field work or any scale was used. The studies conducted in English and Turkish are between the years 2011-2024. It consists of research articles of these studies. This compilation study is being carried out in two stages, February, 2024 and May, 2024. As a result of the literature review, 6 studies were considered. As a result of these 6 studies, it has been seen that Schema Therapy is effective in healing therapy and helps in the healing process. It has been determined that after Schema Therapy was applied to individuals with depression, there was a decrease and improvement in the number of individuals with depression. Therefore, Schema Therapy is an effective method in the treatment of depression. It has been concluded that Schema Therapy is an effective model in the treatment of Depression and as a result of this inference, it is a model that can be used in the treatment of Depression.
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