Examining Teachers' Perception of Organizational Justice According to Demographic Variables
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14884567Anahtar Kelimeler:
Örgütsel Adalet, Demografik Değişkenler, Öğretmen Algıları, Eğitim YönetimiÖzet
This research was conducted to examine how teachers' perceptions of organizational justice differ according to demographic variables. The research was designed as a descriptive study and was conducted based on the quantitative research method. The Organizational Justice Scale adapted to Turkish by Taştan and Yılmaz (2008) was used in the data collection process. The sample of the research consists of 168 teachers who are doing their master's degree within the scope of the Turkey Distance Education Program (TURTEP). This group, which was determined by the random sampling method by taking into account the demographic characteristics of the participants such as gender, age, professional seniority and branch, was considered as an appropriate sample to examine the general trends regarding teachers' perception of organizational justice. Data were collected via Google Forms and the questionnaires that were filled out completely and without error were included in the analysis process. Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for data analysis. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that variables such as gender and marital status created significant differences in the perception of organizational justice, but variables such as age, professional seniority and educational status did not create a statistically significant difference. These findings show that organizational justice may differ according to some demographic characteristics, and therefore, the varying needs and expectations of individuals should be taken into account in order to ensure justice in educational institutions. In line with the results of the research, it is recommended that educational administrators adopt a more transparent and participatory management approach in order to strengthen teachers' perception of justice. It is emphasized that strategies that respond to the special needs of individuals should be developed by considering characteristics such as gender and marital status in order to increase the perception of organizational justice.
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