Examination of Teachers’ Intrinsic Motivation in Terms of Various Variables
Teacher Motivation, Demographic Variables, Age, Education Level, Years Of Service, Marital Status, İntrinsic Motivation, Anova Test, T-Test, Educational PoliciesAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine teachers' intrinsic motivation in relation to demographic variables such as age, education level, years of service, and marital status. The findings revealed that teachers' motivation levels showed significant differences based on certain demographic factors. The ANOVA test by age group indicated that teachers aged 51 and above had higher motivation levels compared to other age groups. No significant difference was found between the motivation levels of teachers with a bachelor's degree and those with a master's degree. The analysis of marital status showed that single teachers had significantly higher motivation levels than married teachers. The ANOVA test by years of service revealed that teachers' motivation levels increased with experience, indicating that years of service had a significant impact on motivation. In conclusion, the study found that teachers' intrinsic motivation varied with factors such as years of service, age, and marital status, but education level did not significantly influence motivation. These findings emphasize the importance of developing educational policies and practices aimed at enhancing teachers' motivation.
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