The Relationship Between Professional Burnout Levels and Job Satisfaction of Mathematics Teachers




Professional Burnout, Job Satisfaction, Mathematics Teachers, Demographic Variables, Correlation Analysis


This study aimed to examine the relationship between mathematics teachers' levels of occupational burnout and job satisfaction. The research was conducted using the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of mathematics teachers working in Edirne province and its districts during the 2024-2025 academic year. Two different scales were used to measure the occupational burnout levels and job satisfaction of mathematics teachers. The research data were collected online via Google Forms between October and December 2024. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Initially, frequency and percentage analyses were performed to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants and the score distributions obtained from the scales. The findings of the study revealed that gender did not have a significant effect on occupational burnout; however, male teachers' job satisfaction levels were higher than those of female teachers. Significant differences in burnout levels were observed among age groups, with the 31-40 age group showing higher burnout levels compared to other groups, although age did not have a significant impact on job satisfaction. In terms of educational background, no differences were found in burnout and satisfaction levels between bachelor's and postgraduate degree holders, suggesting that other factors independent of education might be more influential. Burnout levels differed significantly by professional tenure, with teachers having 15-20 years of experience reporting higher burnout levels than other groups. However, no significant differences in job satisfaction levels were observed based on professional tenure. Lastly, a positive and moderate relationship was found between burnout and job satisfaction. This result, contrary to the commonly expected negative correlation in the literature, suggests that burnout and satisfaction may increase simultaneously, possibly due to the perception of burnout as a form of task-oriented stress or a sense of responsibility.


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How to Cite

MUTLU, O. ., ASLAN, M. ., ŞAHİNER, F. N. ., & KIZIL, E. . (2025). The Relationship Between Professional Burnout Levels and Job Satisfaction of Mathematics Teachers. Ulusal Ve Uluslararası Sosyoloji Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 5(8), 57–68.